When should I decide on the frames of my house?

Our order for the construction of the frames that are intended to be installed in a new house or to replace others due to age or unsuitability, is a significant expense. Particular attention should be paid to the specifications concerning:

  • Stamina
  • Aesthetics
  • Sound insulation
  • Energy saving as well as
  • Waterproofness

The decision is decisive, given that the average lifespan of a window ranges from 20 to 25 years. Unfortunately, it often happens that the type of windows is chosen when the constructions are completed. The interested buyer, following the progress of the works in the construction, is often in the unpleasant position of realizing that the "things" are not evolving in the way he had planned them.

For this reason decisions must be made before construction begins. The decisions concern consultations that should be made in collaboration with the engineer and the architect during the elaboration of the study of the plans of the spaces.

The decision for the most suitable type of frames and the final choice to be successful, should be made according to:

The type and peculiarities of the building,
Personal aesthetic criteria,
The special climatic conditions that prevail in the specific place as well
Any commitments and restrictions imposed by the urban planning regulations of the area.
The economic factor is always a key criterion for choosing a system, as well as the amortization of costs, through energy savings.